Remarkable Trees of Virginia
Published on March 14th, 2010 by Enrichmond Blog Archive
Nancy Ross Hugo, the essayist-landscaper and co-author of Remarkable Trees of Virginia, will be the keynote speaker at Richmond’s Annual Arbor Day celebration on April 3rd at Byrd Park from 10am to 2pm.
This year’s Arbor Day event will highlight:
- Six workshops on planting, identifying trees, pruning mature trees, why native plants are needed, assessing the extent of decay inside a trunk, and tips for using a professional arborist’s tools.
- Talking with experts about tree selection, tree care, protection during construction, and horticulture and gardening.
- Shopping for everything from plants and artwork to composting bins and rain barrels.
Certified arborists and a wildlife biologist will present six workshops, from 10:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Then all but the native plant workshop will repeat from 1 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.
- A Professional Arborist’s Equipment – Mark Bennett, arborist, Davey Tree
- Assessing Strength Loss and Potential Hazards in Trees Using a Resistograph – Bill Poad, arborist, Bartlett Tree Experts
- Mature Tree Pruning – Billy Davis, arborist, Arborscapes
- How to Plant a Tree – Norman Brown, arborist, Richmond Urban Forestry
- Tree Identification – Michael Mather, arborist, Richmond Urban Forestry
- Reconnecting the Web: Why We Won’t Save Wildlife Without Native Plant Landscapes – Lou Verner, wildlife mapping coordinator, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
This event is organized by our partner group, the Richmond Tree Stewards, who are trained citizen volunteers who help the arborists of Urban Forestry care for trees along city streets. Learn more about Tree Stewards at and and Richmond Tree Stewards.