TreeLab Launches Buy One, Plant One
Published on April 2nd, 2020 by Jess Maffey
Enrichmond’s TreeLab program has launched a new initiative to increase plant life in Richmond!

For the “Buy One, Plant One” (BOPO) plants you purchase, TreeLab will donate corresponding trees, shrubs, and perennials to Enrichmond’s partners that regularly conduct plantings in green spaces. If we can’t find groups to take all of the plants, TreeLab will plant them! We conduct plantings on properties that serve the general public, such as parks, schools, community gardens, streets and sidewalks, etc.
Look for TreeLab’s plants labeled “BOPO” at our retail partner, Ellwood Thompson’s. As you plant and enjoy your new plant, feel good about contributing even more green to your community.

If you have questions, please reach out to TreeLab: or (804) 234-3905 ext. 107.