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TreeLab Launches Buy One, Plant One
Enrichmond’s TreeLab program has launched a new initiative to increase plant life in Richmond! For the “Buy One, Plant One” (BOPO) plants you purchase, TreeLab will donate corresponding trees, shrubs, and perennials to Enrichmond’s partners that regularly conduct plantings in green spaces. If we can’t find groups to take all of the plants, TreeLab will…

TreeLab on YouTube
TreeLab has launched its own YouTube channel! On the TreeLab channel you’ll find educational videos about plant-related topics, like seed processing, planting techniques, and greenhouse care. If you’re interested in learning more about how plants work, or want to try something new in your garden, click “Subscribe”! The first video demonstrates how to process pawpaw…

TreeLab Joins Pomona in Church Hill
TreeLab is thrilled to announce that its native trees and plants will be available in a retail space by the end of the summer! Gather Home and Garden in Church Hill – now rebranded as Pomona – is opening a larger storefront with an outdoor patio perfect for hosting larger plants, such as trees, shrubs,…

RichmondOutside Article Sheds Light on TreeLab
We are proud to partner with to introduce TreeLab and its plans for the future. “At the heart of TreeLab is a desire to see more and better trees go into Richmond’s urban soil. Trees’ abilities to mitigate water, soil and airborne pollution, reduce stormwater runoff, absorb excess carbon, and lower surface and air…

Little trees, big pots at TreeLab
TreeLab trees are growing and growth means a new home for the all-important root system under the dirt. This past week, Aaron and Jess worked to transplant pines, river birch, and sycamores into new fabric pots. Here you can see our shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) in a 1/2 gallon container sitting next to the 3 gallon…